Frank Albrecht
Author, Health Consultant, Feng Shui Consultant, Dowser, Holistic Researcher, Natural Healing and Anti-Aging Expert, Seminar Leader
A native of Germany, I have lived in Ireland since 2000 where I work as Holistic Health Researcher, Feng-Shui and Nutritional Consultant, Bio-Resonance Therapist, Dowser, Workshop Leader and Holistic Educator.
I started my research (which also was an inner journey) end of the nineties during a time where I worked for the German Television (the Bavarian section – “BR”). During that period I had my first deep insights into the nature of life and the causes for health and diseases. These insights were fundamentally different to conventional ideas about life and health.
One of the foundation stones for my growing comprehension of the causes and healing of disease and the ageing process was the work of Joseph Lohkaemper and Peter Jentschura which resulted in the bestseller book “Health by purification” (original title: “Gesundheit durch Entschlackung” – over a million copies sold in Germany).
After my move to Ireland in 2000 I continued my own research more seriously, investigating Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese and macrobiotic literature as well as traditional German naturopathic literature. The practical part of my research included bio-resonance devices and kinesiology. With these tools I was able to take health research to a dept that is impossible to avail for conventional scientists.
I began to comprehend the importance of the “good space”, its effect on the healing and wellbeing in general and its importance for the therapy of serious diseases. During the past 22 years I examined the biosphere (the biological energy that is prevalent in a space) of hundreds of houses and came to very distinct conclusions about the strong connection from the “energy” of a sleeping place to the state of health of the inhabitants of a house.
My spiritual practice (consisting of Yoga, Meditation, vedic fire ceremonies and reading of selected spiritual literature) slowly lifted the veil between the physical and the spiritual worlds. This important process enabled me to include the invisible, spiritual dimensions into my research work. It helped me to base my work predominantly on personal experience and refined perception instead of pure theory. Personal experience, based on the stillness of a meditative mind is, in my opinion, the only source of true knowledge and the best verification about any theoretical teachings.
In contrary to conventional medicine, my focus is not the study of diseases but the detailed comprehension of health and the conditions that lead towards health. If this one condition of HEALTH is understood in great detail, it will always point the way how to cure any disorder or disease of body or mind. I feel it is our misunderstanding about the biochemical, biophysical and spiritual aspects of the human being that prevent the cure of serious illnesses.
One main focus of my work is to unite science and spirituality. I believe there is no real science without the underlying understanding of the spiritual realms.
I offer my insights in lectures, weekend courses and in my book “Life Processes – the Universal Laws of Health and Longevity”. In my consultations I give advice regarding nutrition, living space and other factors that hinder you in your well-being or healing process. This knowledge can help you to develop a lifestyle in harmony with the energies of nature and to become free from the fear of illness.
Health counselling and therapy support
In my consultations I give advice on nutrition, living environment and other factors that hinder your well-being or healing process. I give consultations on prevention – to optimise health and nutrition; as well as analyses for self-healing and therapy support for serious illnesses. Consultations can take place on site in Ireland or France, but also by telephone (Skype, Telegram). The individual tests (kinesiology and bioresonance) and the knowledge imparted can help you to develop a lifestyle in harmony with the energies of nature and to become free from the fear of illness.
Home examinations and harmonisation of the living space
In addition to individual health advice, my speciality is living space / house analysis, i.e. the detection of electromagnetic, spiritual and geopathological stress in the house – as well as the personal analysis of the extent to which the body is already affected by various rays, and the corresponding advice on how to reduce the stress in the house most effectively.
In addition to lectures and seminars, I have been carrying out this work for over 22 years in Europe (mainly Ireland, Germany and France).
I believe in the brotherhood of humanity and all life. In my approach as a counsellor I am gentle, open and positive. My inner guidance and intuition helps me to find out the individual needs in order to get the best possible outcome for the client from the time spent together.